The past week has been a roller coaster of emotion as we watched the Cameron Peak and East Troublesome fires spread through northern Colorado. For those who may not know, Colorado has been experiencing one of the worst fire seasons in its history, with the 3 largest fires in Colorado history all happening in 2020.
I’ll post a few of the news article links here with the most recent updates and overviews:
Fight Against Colorado’s Two Largest Fires Ever
East Troublesome Fire Snowstorm
This hits particularly close to home for us as we were married not even a year ago at Della Terra Mountain Chateau in Estes Park, CO. Next month is our one year anniversary and we would be absolutely crushed to find the town that we love in the path of this disaster.

As of yesterday, 12 inches of snow have fallen at Della Terra, keeping it out of harms way for now. We will keep watching and I’ll post any updates here, but we are very thankful for all of the hardworking men and women putting their lives in harms way to help stop these fires.

Della Terra is absolutely wonderful to work with. They have extremely helpful staff (shout out to Anna who was our wedding coordinator), beautiful amenities, and friendly wildlife visitors.

Keep Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park and the entire state of Colorado in your thoughts and prayers as hopefully we approach the end of this fire season. The beauty of this historic town and the surrounding national parks is too precious to lose to climate change.